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What You'll Need

– Four common wood of 1″x2″ x 8 foot (for the frame) – Four 1″x3″ x 8 foot  (for the beams) – Thinnest plywood (Cut to size at lowes. There’s a few reasons I get my wood cut to size. #1 It fits in my car 😀 😀 #2 Cut’s the work in half #3 If you don’t have the right tools this will save you! – Brad nailer or nails and hammer – Paint (or stain) – Brushes – masking tape – Miter saw (they sell hand cutting tool if you don’t have one) – Pen – Charcoal ,pencil or pastel. (for tracing the qoute)

Step 1

I started off with cutting all my 45 degrees angle from the 1×2 to fit the panels. Here are all my frame pieces prepped to get painted black. (photo below)

Step 2

Once they were all dry. We lay them out. Used some tape and our brad nailer to secure the frame together. Then we added three beams across (below) to attach the panels too.

Step 3

I painted my panels and went on to inserting them into the frame. There is a reason I went with the thinnest plywood. It actually made this process a lot easier. To insert our panels into the ready frame we bend the panels slightly and, they fit right into place. I was thinking whether we should built the frame right around the panels but in the end of all my thinking!!! HAHA This way seemed to be the easiest because, the panels had to lay evenly in the frame and with the beams giving it the right support behind, everything just fit right into place.

Step 4

To add my quote. I printed big letters onto regular printer paper in a few different sizes. Then I cut between the letters to adjust spacing. Following that I taped the quote to the frame to see which size looked best.  Once we decided on one I flipped the paper face down and scribbled the back side with a pastel. You can use charcoal or a pencil as well.  A pencil would take forever and I had a pastel on hand so that’s why I used a pastel. This might even work with a crayon. Do a test patch to see. Following that I lay my letters onto the canvas and traced each letter with a pen.

Step 5

It might be hard to spot. Plus I didn’t use a black pastel to scribble the back side, but if you look close at the photo below you’ll notice the imprint of my letters.  That’s how it should look. To finish off your art color in your letters with a sharpie or a thin brush and paint. I used paint. 😀 That’s it!

How cute is this basket. I found it over at TJ Maxx.  I’ve had this fiddle leaf fig for about a year now. Surprisingly she hasn’t died on me. I’m not much of a green thumb but, she must like me! 😀

Tilted Brush Stroke

