Chunky Knit Inspired Planter

So every time winter comes around pinterest is swarming with chunky knit which gives me knit fever! Since I’ve already gotten a chance to make a chunky knit blanket I wanted to try this with a different medium. In other words I guess you can say this is an unconventional approach to chunky knit. Although I I would of loved to use the previous technique I used to make my blanket this DIY knit planter was a pleasant surprise because, it’s way easier than my DIY blanket technique! YAY!

Quick video version

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TIME NEEDED:  About 40 minutes

So this took me way over 40 minutes, not because I was trying to perfect it but, because I’ve tried 3 different clays before I ended up on this one. The first one was my homemade air clay recipe and apparently that didn’t work because it was way too soft which didn’t exactly help with creating even clay strands for the knit effect. After that I tried modeling clay that I purchased earlier and that was a total disaster. It kept tearing almost impossible to work with.  I finally gave up made a trip to my nearest walmart and decided to give polymer clay a try and I’m ssso glad I did because it worked perfect!


chunky knit planter

Supply List:

  • 1 tin can ( or a similar container as long as it’s oven safe because you’ll need to cure the clay in the oven)
  • 1 pound polymer clay. ( I had about a handful left over)

Step 1: Prepping your Clay!

Okay so the nice thing about working with polymer clay is it stays soft until you bake it which means if you mess up you can re-do it as many times as you want before you cure it in the oven.  To begin take a piece of clay and knead it. Than roll it out a bit and divide it into equal sections. It doesn’t have to be perfect as long as they look the same your good to go.

chunky knit planter
diy chunky knit

Step 2: Creating Your Braids

Now take each piece of clay and roll it out using your hands. Gently roll back and forth until you create long even strands of clay. This works best if you apply very light pressure and take your time. 😀 It’s best to work with two strands of clay at a time to create your braids. Once you have your strands fold them in half and twist them in opposite directions away from each other. (see photo for reference)

DIY chunky knit
chunky knit clay
chunky knit clay
chunky knit diy
chunky knit clay

Than lay them next to each other and apply light pressure to lightly secure them together. Keep adding braids together but not fully securing the whole pattern together. This is just to keep track of your pattern. Once you feel you’ve made enough braids to cover your tin can you can secure one braid at at time or secure a few at a time to your tin can.

Step 3: Securing your Chunky Knit!

To secure each braid simply pinch of an excess braids on the top and bottom of the can.  The clay should adhere to the tin can really well. No glue is needed for this step. Make sure your attaching your braids correctly. I totally forgot to keep track of the pattern and realized only after it had already cured in the oven! My OCD was driving me bonkers 😭!

chunky knit planter
tin can diy

Step 4: Finishing off your Chunky Knit!

Okay once you’re done adding braids all around your tin-can roll out another even strand and secure it to the top and bottom. This will complete the look and cover where you pinched off the braids.  Than to cure it bake it in the oven and that’s it! Pretty easy right?  ( I followed the instructions on the box for baking it)

chunky knit planter
chunky knit diy

It’s such a cozy littler planter. I can’t want to plant a succulent in it. Oh by the way if you want drainage holes I would probably drill some prior to adding the knit effect. 😀

chunky knit planter

I love how smooth the polymer clay turned out! I kid you not the modeling clay was terrible. Oh btw the way I totally forgot to mention that I spray painted it white after I cured it in the oven. Even though it looked pretty white already I wanted a crisp white look.  I just used regular rustoleum flat white spray paint.

chunky knit diy

chunky knit planter

Makin my faux mantel look all cozy 😍😊

diy chunky knit

Okay than, I hope you liked this DIY. I have a few more Christmas tin-can up-cycles planned.  Can’t wait to share them with ya! Let me know what you think about this one. 😀 Happy Crafting ! I’ll see you next time. 😀

Here’s a pin for you to add to your Pinterest board for later. You can add this to your 😃 diy decor board. Click on the photo to pin!