Here’s a fun Pumpkin idea for your fall decor!

Of all the pumpkin ideas I would have to say these concrete pumpkins really stuck to me. They are super versatile and take under an hour to make. If you plan on making a small one pumpkin it will probably only take you around 20 minutes to complete (minus the drying time).  Honestly I couldn’t believe these were this easy to make! I know they look a bit complicated especially making the pumpkin shape but, forming the shape of your pumpkin will be the least of your worries because the rubber bands will do all the hard work for you. YEP! 😊 Just some plain little rubber bands will do the trick. So SIMPLE!

Okay than let’s get crafty!

Here’s how long it took me to complete

Depending on the size and the amount of pumpkins you do this project can take you from 20 minutes to 2 hours to make.  A small 6″ pumpkin will be in the 20 minute range.  Take into consideration that I mixed my concrete in small batches by hand (with a metal spoon). So it took a bit longer than if I would of had a mixing attachment to help mix my concrete.  I’m sure that would shorten my projects time almost in half.

Total Cost : $17-$20.

(price may very. Depending on what you already have at home. My pumpkins cost me around $17 to make)

Supply List  ( I purchased my supplies in two stores, listed below)

  • Concrete Mix (@sakreteCAN)
  • Peat Moss (home depot, smallest bag)
  • Perlite (home depot, smallest bag)
  • Tights (dollar store)
  • Scissors
  • Rubber bands or string (dollar store)
  • Bucket
  • Mixing spoon
  • Water
  • Piece of rope (home depot sells it by the foot)
  • Hot glue or which ever glue is more durable.

pumpkin ideas

Before we jump in here’s how to keep your concrete pumpkins lightweight!

The photo below shows the exact brand name concrete I used. Okay so there’s two ways you can make your pumpkins. You can use a mixture of just concrete alone or you can create what’s called hypertyfa by adding perlite and peat moss to your concrete mix.  The Hypertufa method will keep your concrete lightweight once dried. Pretty cool right?!! I chose to go with Hyperftyfa since I planned on making some pretty big pumpkins. 

pumpkin ideas

INSTRUCTIONS to make these cute pumpkins!

Creating your Hypertyfa

  1.  First you’ll need to mix equal parts of concrete, perlite, and peat moss. Then add an additional equal amount of water.  Don’t add in all the water at once since it might be too much.  You don’t want it too soupy.  Photo below shows how concrete should look. (Example recipe : 2 cups of concrete mix, 2 cups of peat moss, 2 cups of perlite mix plus add water as needed)

diy projects
diy garden

Prepping your tights

2. Than you’ll need to tie a knot at the bottom of your tights and cut about a 14″ above your knot or more if you plan on making a bigger pumpkin.

diy projects
diy pumpkin decor

Making your pumpkin mold

3. Following that fill your tights with concrete.  Make sure and massage the mixture around every time you add a few spoons.  This will help the pumpkin take shape better. Than either tie with string or use a rubber band to tighten off sections. Section it off in a pizza cutting pattern.

diy pumpkin
concrete project
concrete diy

The bigger pumpkin was tightened off with string and the smaller one was simply done with rubber bands.  You can let them dry on top of each other or lay them out separately.  I chose to lay them out separately since I figured it would quicken drying time.

hypertufa diy

Here’s a photo (below) showing my biggest pumpkin stuffed and ready to be sectioned off.  I ended up removing a few spoons and really having to massage it to get it to take shape when I was sectioning it off.  The bigger the pumpkin the harder it’ll be to section it off because the concrete get’s packed in and the tights become super tight. I’ve also noticed it’s a little easier if the concrete is a little on the wetter side. Not soupy wet just as long as it’s not too chunky and dry looking.

fall decor

Here’s great photo (below) showing how the concrete worked best.

pumpkin ideas

Adding a cute pumpkin stem!

4. Okay here’s what it looked like 4 days after drying. I would not recommend removing the pantyhose any sooner. You want it to be as dry as possible because it’ll be stronger.  If you remove your rubber bands too soon and they’re too deep in the pumpkins they can rip chunks off the pumpkin.

diy pumpkin
hypertufa pumpkin

So this is super easy. You will simply need to cut off about a 6 inch piece of rope. Loosen it up on one side where your stem will attach to your pumpkin. Then brush off any dust or loose concrete where you plan to secure the stem. The better you brush it off the better your stem will stick. And apply a big blob of glue to the area.  Take your rope and hold it in place until it dries enough to sit on it’s own. 

pumpkin ideas
diy projects
how to make pumpkins

Following that use some scissors to thin out your stem.

diy garden

Here’s what it should like like once thinned out.

fall decor

optional moss

Adding a touch of nature to your pumpkin!

Since these were outdoor pumpkins I really wanted to grow moss on them. I’ve seen videos all over youtube showing how you can mix real moss with buttermilk and spray it occasionally to make moss grow anywhere.  However I couldn’t find real moss or have the time to grow it for three weeks. So I decided to give my fake moss a try.  Applying the moss whole seemed a bit chunky and wasn’t really pleasing to the eye. I was aiming for a very gently look almost like the moss just started growing. In this case I had to turn my moss into powder. This step is totally optional.  You can leave your pumpkins without moss. If you decide to do the moss it’s super easy.

  • blender (I used my small smoothie blender)
  • moss (I used dollar store moss)
  • small sifter (also sold at the dollar store)
  • Elmers glue ( the dollar store sells modge podge and glue)
  • small brush

pumpkins ideas

Making and applying the moss!

Simply add a handful of moss into your blender. Blend for about 20 seconds or until some of it has turned into powder. I’ve tried blending it for longer and some of it never turns into powder that’s why I used the sifter. Than run your moss through the sifter to get the bigger chunks out. Use your brush and apply glue in the cracks and around the stem of your pumpkin. Following that simply sprinkle it with your powdered moss. WALLA! That’s it!

diy garden
pumpkin ideas
pumpkin ideas
diy pumpkins

Here’s the quick video version!

I’m ssso in love with how these turned out! Not at all what I was expecting! And the moss gives it the perfect touch! BTW shout out to my awesome neighbor that let me do this photo shoot in her yard. Doesn’t she have the prettiest vines!

diy pumpkin

That moss though! It’s look kinda of real doesn’t it?

Concrete pumpkin

pumpkin topiary

You can also display them on your porch or in doors! On your office desk, mantel or bathroom decor! The possibilities are endless! 

pumpkin ideas
Pumpkin ideas
pumpkin ideas

pumpkin ideas

I hope you love this pumpkin idea! If you make a pumpkin don’t forget to e-mail it to me I’d love to feature you. 🙂

Happy Crafting every one!

If you found these concrete pumpkins helpful and would like to check back later, just save THIS PIN to your pinterest DIYs board. ( Still working to get my pin it button to show up on mobile. Currently only available on desktop. Sorry)