Candy Bouquet DIY

In honor of our close friends birthday today we decided to make her a delicious candy bouquet.  I figured this would be an awesome idea since we gifted her flowers last week for mother’s day.  Change things up a bit. 😀 I would love a gift like this, especially if it was handmade by people dear to me. So.. lets make one for your special someone and put a smile on their face. 😀

Candy Candy Candy..

It took me a little over an hour to make this candy bouquet and my little guy hovered over me impatiently to see if there would be any leftovers.  And..of course his patients was rewarded with a few leftover twix that he munched down in seconds…  I tell ya..the amount of energy those little guys get… If only I could get that from eating candy.. lol 😀

What you’ll need

  • Glue gun
  • Gift wrap
  • Tissue paper (optional)
  • BBQ sticks
  • Scissors
  • Jar or Vase


candy bouquet

First fill your jar with your filler candy.. any small candy will work.

candy bouquet

Then start by hot gluing the candy to the sticks.

candy bouquet

I used about 8 sticks at the fullest length..

candy bouquet

As you work your way forward the sticks should get shorter and shorter.. (I simply broke mine)

candy bouquet

Then I cut large squares out of the gift wrap and folded them like shown in the picture below.

candy bouquet

Hot glue the gift wrap around the sticks. 

candy bouquet

This is totally optional but you can go on by doing the same with tissue paper lower on the stick. I made four of these.

candy bouquet

Then I stuck them behind the Candy.  I added more candy to empty spaces and fixed it up a bit.  If your having a hard time sticking those sticks in don’t forget you can always hot glue your candy to a previous stick… (lower down or even on-top of another candy)

candy bouquet

This is what the jar look like once finished.. You can mess with the sticks to hide them if they’re bothering you.. I personally kinda like them.. (they look like stems 😀 😀 )

candy bouquet

candy bouquet

Or you can hide it in a little bucket like this one… 😀  (This was a recycled bucket from an emergency candle I purchased at wincos last year)

candy bouquet

It was a super fun craft and I’m sure it’ll last a little longer then a bouquet of flowers 😀 😀 (wink..wink..)

That’s it for today my lovely craftoholics.  #lilyardor on Instagram when you make your special gift.. I would love to see your creations.