DIY Leather Couch on a budget!
Ok so I’ve wanted a real cognac leather couch for a while now. Painful truth is my dream couch has a price tag of $2,800. As much as I would love to just go out and get one, it’s about $2,700 above my budget.
YEP!! $100 🙈 was my budget for a couch. LAME! It’s almost unrealistic especially if you’re looking for such a specific couch (like a leather one). I’ve been on and off of craigslist , amazon, and ebay thinking maybe I could find something similar. Save up! Invest $600-ish and call it good, except for that never happened. I wanted a very specific brown leather. Not too shiny and kind of rough looking with a lot of depth in color. LOL😆 Tall order right?! Anything under $1000 looked like faux leather from a mile away. I hate faux leather LOL😂 unless of course it looks real than I don’t care.
It took me a while to realize I wasn’t going to get that couch. So after about a year of hunting for the real deal I decided to make this couch myself by painting one to look like leather. I started out on craigslist looking for something that had a modern shape and maybe mid century modern legs. That’s when I realized anything mid-century modern is at least $600 on Craigslist. $600 PLUS all that LABOR to make it look like leather just didn’t cut it for me.
This post may include affiliate links (before starting any project please read my full disclosure policy )
Quick update: If you’re looking to buy one. I finally found one on amazon the other day that looks very similar to my painted couch.
The Ugly futon in Disguise
I looked through every listing thinking there might be a glimmer of hope. I came across a futon and thought hmmm🤔 this might work if I added metal legs to it, AND THAN IT HIT ME!! We had a futon all along. It’s been sitting outside for about a year now. A friend of ours was tossing it and my husband decided to take it. Funny thing is when he brought it home I told him to toss it because it was all sunburned and pretty ugly. Boy am I glad my hubby decided to use it as patio furniture. LOL😂
Once I decided to paint the futon I surfed pinterest for fabric painting tutorials. I couldn’t find a tutorial for painting on microfiber so I decided to do a swatch test. I removed the bags that were on both sides of the futon and gave it a try. I used regular flat glidden paint (photo below) and tried three different methods.
#1. Was diluting the paint in water. Applying thin coats and sanding in between layers once they’ve dried. (this one was really poplular on pinterest and many said the fabric stays soft)
#2. Totally random but I tried adding vinegar to thin the paint out.
#3. Adding regular fabric softener to paint.
Diluting the paint with water and applying thin coats was a complete fail. Just one coat of paint felt super crusty and rough. When I tried to sand it the fabric simply got torn off and I didn’t see any change in softness at all. Plus the color looked completely different. (photo below shows me pointing at test #1)
The game Changer Fabric Recipe!
Adding vinegar to paint had the same results however the fabric softener test was a game changer. I’ve tried fabric medium before and honestly I didn’t feel much of a difference in the softness of paint on fabric at all. Mixing fabric softener into paint literally felt like the paint got rubberized. It was stretchy and super soft. Once dry it moved really well with the fabric and wasn’t crusty at all. YAY!! I was so excited to have found a way to make this work.
How to Protect Your Faux Leather!
I ended up trying a few different finishes on top of my painted swatches and found that brush on wax didn’t do really well at all. I was so surprised to see it almost immediately crack. So I scratched that idea and decided to give some water based clear coat a try. Honestly I didn’t think this would work but, it actually made the fabric even softer because it added smoothness and stretched just as much as the fabric. The only thing I didn’t like about the water based protector was that it was too shiny. So I tried sanding it a bit and found out it sands really well. (ps. I left my couch without any clear protecter for now.. just flat paint)
The Secret Fabric recipe!
Okay so this recipe is kind of hard to get right! I finally figured out that the secret to this recipe is not to worry about the texture of the paint as long as it goes on smooth once brushed on.
This couch took me about 4 days to complete. That includes making the legs as well.
Here’s a link for the exact fabric softener I used. 😀
Here’s the video version of this DIY. (PS. I recommend watching the full video and reading the whole blog post if you plan on painting fabric. There’s things I mention in the video that I don’t talk about in the post and vise versa)
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What you’ll need:
- flat paint (two shades)
I don’t know if different brands of paint will work the same. (different consistency or additional amounts of primer in paint might play a big role)
The names of the paints I used were ” artists copper” in glidden and “death by chocolate” (color swatch from behir) but I got it mixed in a small glidden sample. ( I got my paint at homedepot)
I used a total of about 42 ounces of the artist copper paint for the base coat and only about 1/2 cup paint of the death by chocolate for the leather effect.
- Fabric softener (make sure and pick a scent you like because your couch will be an air freshener for quite a while 😀 )
- Brushes
- Plastic Cups
- Sponges ( I ended up using 3 for this project)
- Spray bottle (water)
- Clear coat (optional : better durability)
Here’s an awesome deal on brushes that have great reviews if you need any. I just used any cheap brushes I had at home as long as they don’t shed. It’s a pain getting those bristles out of the paint if your brush sheds.
Instructions :
working in smaller portions:
Add 3 tablepoons to 1/2 cup paint and stir for about 15 seconds.
Working in bigger portions:
If you want to work in bigger batches the most I would mix at a time is 1 cup of paint because the paint eventually rubberizes and is harder to apply.
Add 5 tablespoons to 1 cup paint stir for 15 seconds.
Your paint should become a bit thicker in texture. It should be smooth but don’t be surprised if you notice your paint become a bit chunky. As long as it brushes onto the fabric smoothly it’ll have the same effect. You’ll know you’ve added to much fabric softener if your paint doesn’t smoothly go onto the fabric but instead rolls up into littler rubber balls while you try brushing it on (reference shown in video).
- Do not attempt to paint with this paint in hot weather. I tried to paint the futon outside at 100 degrees and the paint instantly became rubber.
- Keep your paint and softener away from heat. Make sure they are cool or room temperature before mixing.
- If your paint is to thick and keeps rubberizing (rolls up in balls while brushing it on) adding water or more fabric softener won’t help thin it out. Yes even though fabric softener is a thinner liquid than paint. You will need to mix a new batch. This is one of the biggest reasons I worked in smaller batches. REMEMBER the more fabric softener you add the thicker your paint will be eventually rubberizing.
Here’s an example of a recipe with too much softener. Yes I still used this paint it went on really smooth and made no difference in texture vs the other paint. In fact 80% of my couch was painted with chunky paint like this. All you need to worry about is making sure the paint is workable even if it’s chunky (by not adding too much softener).
I gave my couch a total of three coats of paint before applying my leather effect with a sponge. Don’t worry about applying too much paint. It will still be soft even with lots of paint..,think of it as creating a layer of faux leather.
Here’s a close up on the fabric before painting.Since this was a futon I completed most of the project while it was folded down. This helped get into all the tight spots.
Creating your leather effect!
Okay don’t freak out! This is actually the easiest step. Make sure your base coat is completely dry. You’ll need a moist sponge and some darker paint ( I used death by chocolate in glidden ) . Apply some paint onto one side of your sponge and work the paint into your couch. I made sure to make all the seems and edges pretty dark.
Here’s a link for my favorite sponges! The dollar store sells very similar ones too. I love these for projects and they’re the best for washing dishes! They keep soap on them longer than any other sponges I’ve ever tried. ( ps. I don’t own a dishwasher so I’m always on a look out for great dish washing sponges)
Once my seems and edges had texture I added a few more dabs of paint in the center to even out the texture and rubbed the paint around in circular motions. If your sponge is to dry spritz some water on it.
Look at the difference in color depth. I added the effect on the seat area and haven’t started on the bottom beam yet.
Making couch legs!
We used some square tubing that my hubby welded to some flat bars.
Than we spray painted them and attached them to our couch.
Here’s another before photo!
What do you think? I’m in love! We’ve already had guests sleep on it! Honestly I’d pick this over my other dream couch any day. YES!! Just because it’s more functional and serves two purposes. A couch and futon! Doesn’t get better than that! LOL😄
Just take a loot at those seams.
Can you believe this is flat paint?! I have no idea why it looks shiny.
\Okay than. I hope this was helpful. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Can’t wait to hear from ya! 🤗
Incredible, Amazing, Awesome…it really looks like leather!
😀 😀 😀 Thank you Cheryl. So happy to hear it looks realistic! Crazy what paint can do!
Thank you. No problems yet. No cracks or peeling and it’s not even clear coated yet. 😀 I planned on clear coating it and never got around to it but, even without clear coat it’s held up so well.
I have a woven fabric couch, would this effect work on mine, do you think? Your couch is gorgeous!!!
Thank you Brenda 🙂 I think it should work just as good. You can do a little area on the bottom of the couch to test first 🙂
Incredible! Love this!
Thank you Debra 😀
How well do you think it would hold up with small dogs?
It should do great. I would apply a a few of clear finish for better durability. My couch is still holding up great. No cracking or peeling! 😀
How much paint and fabric softener did you use for the complete project?
I know for sure one bottle of fabric softener is more than enough. I went through quite a bit of paint. I wish I would of written it down. Totally forgot but, if I’m not mistaken I used 2 quarts for sure and just the small tester was enough to create the leather effect.
Hi, I love your video and I am thinking of doing the same. I noticed it is some time since you posted think video can I please ask how it has worn over time and if there’s anything you would chance
Hi Ann, I’m so happy to hear you loved it! The couch has held up really well over time. I wouldn’t change a thing.
So what brand fabric softener did u use
snuggle exhilarations
Hi there! This looks absolutely amazing! I’m willing to try this but my couch is cracking and peeling. Could I use this technique on my couch? What should I do? My husband thinks to re a pollster it, but the work of stapling it correctly I think would be a lot of work. Can you please help? Thank you so much 😀
Hi Maybe, You can try in a spot that not so visible?
Can you paint regular fabric material
It should work on fabric. Give it at try in a non visible area first. 😀 \
Wow just wow!!!
I also meant to ask a ? Other then just wow lol. So this paint is non-toxic? Thank you! 😄
I hope it is! LOL 😀 not sure if there’s some sort of toxic chemical reaction that occurs once the softener is added but, so far it’s been good. No signs of it being toxic.
Thank you Kimberly 😀
I just need to clarify few things
Glidden Artist Copper Flat paint + fabric softener × 3 coats
Glidden Death by Chocolate Flat paint + fabric softener with sponge spray bottle if needed
Valspar signature clear protection water based + Fabric softener
I am definitely trying this method just want to make sure I got it right…
Thank you Bonita 🙂 Yes those are the correct steps to get this look 🙂
Hi, I love your video and I am thinking of doing the same. I noticed it is some time since you posted think video can I please ask how it has worn over time and if there’s anything you would chance
Will this work on a leather sofa that has many scrtaches in tit?
I’ve never tried it on leather. Sorry. I would give it a go somewhere on the bottom first maybe.
Would love to kniw if you rested it in leather. I gave a 20yr old leather couch i would love to change the color of.
I’ve heard it does great on faux leather too. I haven’t tried this yet so but, can’t wait to.
How long did you let it dry between coats?
If I remember correctly I let it dry between 12 to 24 hours.
I am so impressed with this project! I recently bought three chairs with orange, dirty, suede/microfiber cushions. I had planned on recovering them. Two of them can be seen when you come in the door and they looked hideous until I tried your painting method on them. They are currently drying, and I will work on the wood parts today so I can reassemble tomorrow but WOW what a transformation! I had to put a lot of labor in them because the suede was a little rough in some spots. I put on 2 coats paint+fabric softener, then sanded all over with 240 grit sandpaper, then two more coats with a light sanding before final coat. They look like leather!!! I hope they look as good once everything is put together. I can’t wait to see the expressions when people compliment me on those “leather” chairs and learn they are painted!
OH WOW!! that’s awesome! Your chairs sound lovely. I’m so happy to hear this worked for you. WAY TO GO GIRL!! All your hard work payed off. 🙂
Please please help! I got some Benjamin Moore paint… Premium flat interior paint and primer. I also have an eggshell I’ve tried three different fabric softeners. I cannot get this paint to thicken. I noticed that your can of paint also has primer in it is that what the problem is I’m $85 into this and desperately need some advice.
Hi Sharon, I’m so sorry to hear this isn’t working for you. I’ve never tried this with any other paint but the brand I used which is glidden.
Hi Lily. I have been painting my sofa for three years now based on your video. Everybody loves it. Please tell me for the clearcoat Valspar do you mix anything with that or just put it on straight from McCann?
Also, I cannot find any stores that sell Valspar clear steel want. Can I just use any water base clear sealant or do you have another suggestion. Thank you so much for all your Great ideas
Yes any waterbased clear sealant should work great. My favorite is the ultra flat minwax polycrylic or the valspar water based clear finish works great too.
I put it on straight from the can.
I love this! Looks professional!
So how has it held up since it’s been well over a year? I want to try this on my microfiber sofa but it is not 100% smooth, do you this it would work?
After 21 kids and foster kids it needs help! Lol
Hi Belinda, Thank you so much. It’s help up really well. I’m pretty impressed still no sign of cracking or peeling. I think it would work great on microfiber that has a bit of texture. Maybe try it on a spot that’s not so visible first? 🙂
I LOVE this whole tutorial. You did an amazing job!
I just started using this technique on my microfiber sofa. So far, ok. A couple of questions:
1. About how long do you estimate it takes each coat to dry?
2. My first coat is a *little* stiff. Should I try adding a little more fabric softener? I noticed you used actual tablespoons and not a measuring spoon, so maybe the tablespoon is a little bigger than the Tablespoon (I think that oddly made sense. LOL)
While I waited for my comment to be approved I decided to try a little more fabric softener. I put a total of 5 Tablespoons (from measuring spoons), and that definitely Seems to have made a huge difference! I’m starting to see some definite faux leather texture and I’m giddy! I’m doing a small sectional, so the quart I bought has ended up not being nearly enough (LOL – D’UH). So I’ll get more tomorrow so I can finish it up.
Hi Laura, I apologize about my late response and am happy to hear you give it another go. Wow maybe different types of paint need more softener. I’m seriously glad you tried. Thanks for letting me know. I will make a note of it If I’m working with different paint. Excited for you project!
Hi Laura, thank you. I’m happy to hear you loved the tutorial. I waited about 24 hours between coats as far as I remember. It’s been a while. Hmmm it shouldn’t be stiff even with the first coat you should be able to feel that it’s rubbery and soft. I’ve heard some folks say adding more softener helped with the type of paint they used. That’s a good point 🙁 I should of used actual measuring spoons.
So I just did this step by step. (Took me 5 days) I’m so appreciative that you made the videos. Thank you so much. Only problem I ran into is valspar doesn’t make that clear coat paint anymore, it was discontinued so I just bought another half gallon and made my leather thicker.
YAY! I’m so happy to hear it worked out great Sarah! Oh okay that’s good to know. 🙂
I’m obsessed with this DIY! I cannot get over the fact that it’s NOT real leather. the shine and texture looks so realistic. Amazing job girl!
LOL You and me both!! I’m still having a hard time believing it’s fake! Obsessed as well! I think this is my favorite DIY of all time for sure! Thank you 😀
WOW! That’s amazing! I would’ve never guessed it was micro-fiber when you finished it. It looks like real leather…does it feel like leather too..? We have a micro-fiber loveseat (that I hate) that I am definitely going to try this paint technique on it. : )
Thank you Hope 😀 Yes it feels like leather. (there’s a snippet at the end of the video I rub my hand on the painted couch just to should how it sounds and moves with the fabric) You should totally try it. Let me know how it goes. 😀 😀 😀
I just wanna clarify…. the paint you used is regular paint? All the couch painting videos I’ve seen were done with chalk paint so before I dip my sofa into regular paint I wanna make sure I understood this well 🙂 thank you.
Yes I used interior paint made by glidden. When you add softener to this brand of paint it rubberizes the paint and once applied onto microfiber it gives it a leather like look and feel. Let me know if you have anymore questions. 🙂
This looks Absolutely amazing! How well does the couch now clean up?
Thank you Robin. 😀 I haven’t tried cleaning yet since it’s only been a few days. I will probably be posting a follow up on that though. If you want to waterproof you couch you can always use the water based clear protector. That would definitely be more durable than just plain flat paint.
How is the rubfastness after dyeing ?
I’m not sure. I don’t have the machine to make a proper test but if you’re wondering if the paint rubs off I haven’t had any come off on my clothing. Also if you’re worried about better durability you can always coat it with a water based clear coat maybe something that has UV protection as well if you’re worried about the color fading.
I am so amazed at the results. My husband & I restore classic cars. I am wondering though, when leather ages it cracks & peels off, will this paint/softner mixture fill into the cracks & peels to even out and smooth the surface of the fabric. Would to try on leather car interiors!!!!
I think it really depends on how deep the cracks are but I’ve heard does great on faux leather. 🙂
This is genius! I have my sofa and 2 club chairs I was sold as real leather and after 3 years they started peeling and end up looking like faux suede. I don’t have the budget to replace them and frankly kind of scared to buy new furniture and end up with the same problem. These were thousands of dollars when we bought them new. I love the shape but they were espresso color. I wanted to have lighter grey living room furniture so this gives me hope that I could do this over this set and if it looks like poop then I will find some micro suede used and do it again lol the. i won’t have to worry about them being the right color. I love leather but honestly too afraid of a bad investment again. This gave me hope ❤️
Oh my I know what you mean. It’s sad to pay so much money and not get what you expect from it. LOL I’m sure it’ll look great and gray sounds lovely. I’ve always wanted gray furniture. I’m glad to hear this gave you hope! 😀 😀 Let me know how you project goes?
Danielle, you gave me an idea! We have an office chair that we really like but the faux leather is,like yours,peeling off. I’m going to find a way to finish peeling the faux leather off and try this method – before I try to re-upholster it.
Danielle, did you ever paint your peeling furniture? My roommate bought a leather chair that decided to peel in a radiant pattern, like sunbeams, after a couple of years.
Omg thank you for sharing! My 4 kids have stained my beige recliner 3 piee set beyond redemption….. and there is 0 budget to replace it! Thanks so much….. cross your fingers for me
Oh how exciting. Let me know how it goes! 😀 😀 Happy DIYing
Okay I finally cracked and tried it….. just did the base of my recliner and omfg I love you! I chose a color called “dark denim” which is a very dark navy blue…. and it is hiding everything! I cannot get over how easy this is *knock wood*
LOL YAY!! That’s awesome!! Music to my ears. LOL so glad to hear it’s easy. OOOH a dark navy that sounds ssso pretty.
I have the same issue with my recliners. I’m thinking of a dark blue too. Did anyone know how the fabric cleans up once it’s painted?
Hey how did you apply the velspar protective coat? Just a paint brush? Did you delute it at all? Thx!!
Yes I applied it with a paint brush. You can dilute it if you want. I honestly would prefer not to dilute because it’ll be a thicker more durable coat.
I currently have the first coat down on my test cushion! I’m so excited! I know you said not to worry about brush strokes, but when I did a test swatch (three coats and the clear coat) on the underside of the cushion you can really see the brush strokes and I don’t think it’ll be a good look on the whole couch. What kind/brand brush did you use? And/or do you have any suggestions?
Oh how exciting! If you’re worried about the brush strokes I would recommend using the purdy brand brushes. I believe they’re sold at homedepot (might be lowes) They apply on super smooth. I used the $1 brushes from home depot but they shed quite a bit I got sick of picking out the bristles so I opted out for a cheap plastic bristle brush from home depot.
The brush I have is a Purdy. Hmmmm. Like I said, this is a test cushion so I can play around with things a little bit and see how it turns out. Thanks for the quick response!!!
Oh interesting. Maybe you need something with harder bristles. Try the cheaper plastic bristles brushes. It’ll rub the paint around more since the paint is a bit thicker than usual.
Maybe try those smooth poly rollers?
Yeh that should work
Have you tried this on velvet? I found the cutest mid century modern couch in the most horrendous shade of baby blue BEGGING for a paint job! It would look amazing painted to look like leather!
OOOH That’s sounds like a fun project. I haven’t tried velvet… Maybe see if you can find a similar piece of fabric at joanns and do a patch test?
I have a question. Yesterday I finished using your process on a couple of chairs. It looks fantastic but the back cushions seem tacky. The seats seem fine. The back cushions are not attached; they just sit on the bottom cushion and rest against the back frame of the chair. When I pick up the back cushions there is a noise and some resistance. Sounds and feels like the cushions are sticking to the chair and bottom cushion. How long to cure? Should I recoat the back cushions and add more fabric softener to the mix?
Oh I see. I wouldn’t re-coat it. It should be fine. I would just let it keep drying. My futon has that too when I pull the seat apart there’s a sound but the paint has held up just fine. 🙂 Let me know if you have anymore questions 🙂
I would love to know how this turned out. I just purchased a vintage recliner in baby blue and pea green..pleh — in a somewhat like velvet fabric…. Thanks
Hi. Thank you for this amazing video and the instructions. Can you please tell me well the paint is holding up on the couch? I am looking to paint my couch, but worry that it will not hold up as it is the main piece of furniture.
Hi, it’s holding up really well. The effect has rubbed off a tiny bit but that’s because I didn’t add any type of protection at all. No cracking or peeling whatsoever though. If you plan on doing I would definitely do a clear coat on top.
What clear coat did you use on top?
I actually didn’t clear coat mine yet but I’ve tried the Valspar clear protector and loved it. It doesn’t seem to crack and stretches with the fabric.
I have painted one coat on microfiber sofa so far. I mixed 1/2 cup paint and 3 tbsp fabric softener, made several small batches. It has completely dried and so stiff and crunchy. What did I do wrong?
Hi Amanda, did you use the same brand paint and softener? I’m just wondering if it would work differently with other paints since they come with different amounts of primer which would make the paint react different to the softener.
I love your work, yours looks fabulous! I have painted one coat on a microfiber sofa as your instructions said 1/2 cup of paint to 3 tablespoons of fabric softener mixed well. Mine is very stiff and crunchy what did I do wrong or what can I do to fix, any suggestions?
Hi Amanda, Thank you. Did you use the same brand paint and softener. I’m just thinking maybe different products might not have the same chemical reaction which might cause it to stay crunchy. Is it stretchy though?
OMG! I wish I saw this a month ago. I painted a chair. Turned out OK but if I had applied some of your techniques, it would have turned out better. I’ll definitely follow this on the next fabric that I paint.
Maybe save it for your next project ? 😀 I can’t wait to try this on more furniture! It’s been a busy year and I can’t believe I haven’t gotten around to trying on something else yet 🙂
I am so glad that you persisted and courageous. You made it very beautiful and functional. This poor futon was doomed. I would have been inclined to remove the fabric and purchased leather and put it on.
Thank you. I am so glad you liked it! Yes the futon wasn’t a pretty sight 😀
I agree with everyone else – STUPENDOUSLY AMAZING !!!!
Thank you 😀
I have a leather or fack leather couch with some scratches in it would this idea work on it as well
That took patience and skill, girl. Sooo impressed with the mindset to tackle this project. I live vicariously through DIYers like you. Smiles!
Thank you so much Shena! You’re too sweet! I’m so happy to hear you loved this DIY!
Thank you, you did an awesome job and the Instructions were very well explained. My sofa, loveseat and chair all have cushions attached. I wonder if that would affect the results. Also,Do you think a spraygun would be effective? Thanks sister for EVERYTHING.
Hi Norma, Thank you! I’m so happy you liked it! If you can get those areas painted and dried I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. A spray gun probably wouldn’t work because the paint is pretty thick once you add the softener and you can’t make it thinner if you want that leather effect. Let me know if you have anymore questions 🙂
Wow! I am impressed! It really does look like leather!
Thank you Mary 😀
I just stumbled on this and am already want to try it out for the love seat in my living room. My questions is, how has the painted futon held up over the past 18-20 months since you originally posted this DIY?
Hi Stephanie, the futon has held up really well. Still no visible signs of cracking and no peeling. 😀
I have a brown microfiber couch that I want to paint grey. Do you have any tips for me? I don’t want it to look shiny, so I will use your Valspar clear coat idea.
Hi Maegan, I would stick to using the same brand products and paint a small non visible area first. 😀 Yes if you don’t want to shiny you can either leave it without clear or try the valspar. 😀
Hi again. I am so in love with your DIY for painting your couch. That’s what caught my eye-who paints their furniture?? But ypu did it amazingly beautiful! Anyways my question is do you also add fabric softner to the clear protection coat??
Thank you so much Dawn 🙂 No I did not add fabric softener to the clear coat
This futon is absolutely gorgeous! I can’t get over the look of this makeover. It is unbelievable how much this looks like real leather. What a fantastic job!
Thank you so much Elisa! YAY! I’m so glad it looks real 😀 😀
Hi there! I have a red couch set and am looking to do a beige paint job. Lol is that too ambitious? What color would you suggest for a depth color? Thank you so much, yours looks fabulous!
Hi Becky, no not at all. I think it’s totally doable. If you’re going to be adding the effect on top of the beige I would just do a darker brown maybe. Thank you I’m so glad you liked it! 😀
A few questions: did you clean the couch first? Also, what are your cleaning recommendations for after you paint/finish it? The nice thing is, I have throw pillows made out of the same fabric so can sacrifice one of those for my experimentation. p.s. yet ANOTHER reason to love microfiber! I swear I’ll never get any other fabric type for furniture (at least while the kids are young) – it’s very cleanable 🙂 Thank you so much for this great idea.
I don’t remember. I don’t think I like got it wet and soaped it up but I did vacuum it really good. After it’s painted you can simply wipe it down with a wet rag. OH perfect! Let me know how it goes with the couch. Oh yes right! I got only one little one but couches are one thing that’s hard to keep clean even with one.
Wow, that is so amazing! Any thoughts on whether or not this would work on micro-fiber? My couch needs a make-over and was $1800 (I am poor so this is alot of money for me) so I don’t want to give up on it. I had no idea this was possible, at least now I have hope!
Hi Cherie, my couch was actually micro fiber so this should work perfect. I would used the same exact product and avoid wax as top coat. What color are you thinking to paint it? YAY! I’m glad this gave you hope. I know what you mean. We got our couches on Craigslist years back and I’ve been wanting new ones but, unfortunately can’t afford it.
Is your futon micro fiber or micro suede? In the before picture it actually looks like micro suede and there is quite a difference between them. Micro fiber has a ‘fuzzy’texture and microsuede has a flat texture that would lend itself to your painting process.I’m excited and would like to try it on my microsuede sofa.Thanks, Ollee.
My couch definitely had a fuzzy texture. 🙂 I’m sure it would work on micro suede as well. I would give it a try in a small non visible area first.
I have a couch that looks like leather but the paint like stuff is wairing off and has a shinny material under the color stuff that wairs off. Is that vinyl? Do you think your process may work on it
I’m not sure. I’ve never tried it on faux leather or vinyl. Is there a way to try it in a non visible area?
Hi, was the paint you used a fabric paint ?
No it was just interior latex paint. It rubberizes once you put fabric softener in there and becomes soft.
The sofa looks great! I have a leather sofa and love seat that I paid big bucks for and they have not held up. Can this paint be used for leather?
Hi Carolyn, I’m so happy you loved this idea! Sorry girl I’m not sure how it would work on leather I haven’t tried it 🙁
My couch has been treated with scotch guard fabric protector. Has anyone painted their couch that has been treated? How did it turn out?
Love this, you did a fabulous job. Question, do you think it would work on faux leather?
Hi Pat, Thank you so much! I’m not sure how it would work on faux leather. I don’t have anything faux leather to give it a go on. 😀 I definitely want to try it as so many of you have asked about this.
I tested this process on faux leather and it looks great. I tried two swatches for my sister. First one i lightly sanded first thinking it would create a better bond. Second swatch I just applied the paint with no prep. The second swatch actually looked better than the first.
So awesome to hear this worked. It’s crazy LOL I tried the same thing ( sanding ) didn’t do much to it. I’m happy to hear this worked for you Toni 🙂
I absolutely love this DIY! Your futon looks amazing! Do you think this technique would work to fill in cracks on a microfiber sofa? My sectional only had a couple areas that need repair and I really have been researching ways. This is the best I have found! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Donna, thank you. I’m not sure how it would work as spot treatment as it will be very different in texture from the microfiber fabric itself. I think you would need to paint the whole thing.
Just wonder what results would be, for use on different fabrics??
Hi Melanie, I’m sorry I haven’t gotten a chance to use this on different fabrics yet. 🙁
I’m excited to try this, because I have a dog that pees on my couch! I’ve tried everything short of beating him. Those spots turn dark and it look horrible. I have a very limited income and can’t afford to replace it every 6 mos.
Oh NO!! I’m sorry to hear that Karen! This would work great. If you clear coat it you can wipe it off instead of it soaking into your couch! 😀 I should mention the higher gloss clear coat the more waterproof it’ll be 😀
Hi, to deter my little dog from peeing on my furniture, I spray it with apple cider vinegar and water. A 50/50 mixture. He can’t stand the scent of it and no more pee on my furniture legs or couch!!!
Excited! I have a sofe and loveseat that is microfiber and I was going to get it recovered. However, this is fantastic! I do have some worn areas on the arms that are heavily soiled and sort of a hardened texture. Would this work on those areas/ (I am thinking that I could brush those areas with a lightly soapy solution to break up the soil before painting.)
Yeh I would probably give them a little scrub and let it dry before painting. 😀 So glad this was helpful! I’m excited to hear how your project goes!
Awesome! I love this! And I just happen to have an old microfiber sofa downstairs that I was going to donate! Looks like I’ve got a new project now! Thanks for posting the exact instructions!
Perfect I’m so glad this was helpful! 😀 let me know how it goes 😀
WOW!! This is awesome!! I’ve gotta try this! Thanks for sharing!!
You’re very welcome Alicia 😀 Happy DIYing!
I just bought a cool chaise that had damage due to a cat using it as a scratching post…it’s regular material and I was going to reupholster but saw this and thought this would be cool. Do you think this technique would work?
Hi Renee on don’t see why not 😀
I love this project! To think you can buy an ugly used couch and make it look showroom new is amazing!
Kudos to you! Awesome job!
I wonder if this would work on a leather couch?
Hi Elaine, thank you so much! I’m so happy to hear you loved it! Unfortunately I haven’t tried this on leather so I can’t say for sure. You can give it a go somewhere on the bottom where it’s no visible. 😀
So do you think this would work on an upholstered chair?
I am going to slipcover it but am willing to offer up for testing.
Yes it should work on an upholstered chair. Try it somewhere on the bottom first maybe 😀
This project is awesome. Impossible to tell that it’s not real leather. You’ve given hope to so many homemakers for how to make something that looks hopeless look amazing. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Ann, YAY! I’m so happy to hear that! thank you so much for you sweet comment! I really appreciate it!
Great idea, and looks good. My question: What about this technique on real leather? My recliner’s seat is pretty worn and cracking, but it’s otherwise a great, comfortable chair. This could really salvage what was a verrrrrry expensive piece.
Hi Beverly, as much as I’d love to say I would try this over real leather I probably wouldn’t do it! Only because I’ve never done it on leather and I’m not sure how it would hold up. You can try it in a spot and see. I’m just thinking you can’t beat real leather. Maybe you can get a nice conditioner to bring out the color. I know they sell leather stain and conditioner for that.
I have two chairs a friend gave me. Its a satiny looking. Stripped fabric. I may test on the bottom of the chair but I think it’s worth trying this recipe for the paint. The chairs are cream and chocolate 1″ wide stripes. I’d like to go for a dark chocolate look. If this recipe doesn’t work on the test I’ll try painting and sanding dilutedxpaint then finishing with wax. I’m hoping this recipe will work. I have dark walnut stain for the little bit of wood that shows.
OOOH sounds lovely!!! I can’t wait to hear how it goes! 😀
Will this work on any fabric? I would like to use it on my outdoor cushions which are covered when it rains so they don’t get wet. Will this technique work on regular fabric or just micro fiber..
I’m pretty sure it will work on regular cushion fabric. 😀 At least I don’t see why it woudln’t 😀 Let me know how it goes 😀
Outdoor furniture takes a heavy toll from weather. Heat can cause bad reactions with interior paints. Exterior paint might not do well with the fabric softner. Maybe do a test patch on a back area or the bottom of a cushion. Her recipe is obviously successful. Changing ingredients will most likely impact your outcome.
How do youthink it would hold up with dogs?
I think with some clear on it it should do fine 😀 I still don’t have any signs of cracking or peeling. Also depending on if you’re painting on fabric or faux leather. Not sure how it would hold up on faux leather.
Paint has chemicals and is hazardous to your health. Not recommended.
Paint is used in many many places. This would not stop me from trying this excellent DIY. Everything including the fabric has chemicals.
I can’t wait to try this also! I’ve wanted a reddish leather chair, recliner. Just like most other DIYers, price is a hindrance. If I use a different color, what should be the top color for the leather look? Would it be the same color you used? Thanks!!
Hi Anne, it really depends on what look you’re going for. I would say it should work as long as there’s contrast between the two colors.
Just wondering if you have tried this technique on any other fabric. Have old furniture in old cabin, that could use some TLC.
I haven’t yet. I would love to though. Maybe try it on something similar to see.
I came across your project and I love it! One question, did you add fabric softener to the clear coat? I’ve got a couch I’m going to try this on. Thank U for the inspiration!
No I didn’t add any fabric softener to the clear coat. It somehow gets stretch too once it goes on top of the paint. At least I didn’t seem to have a problem with it. Oh sure you’re very welcome I’m so happy to hear this was inspiring. 😀
I tried the Pinterest suggestions of watering down the paint and sanding in between coats on velvet. I followed ALL the directions! Now it is scratchy and none sits on it. I wish I would have seen this first!
Oh NO!! I’m so sorry Trudy! That really sucks. Maybe try this on top. Who knows it might feel like thick rubbery leather 😀 ?! Not sure how it’ll stretch but I would prob give it a go. 🙂
I came upon a patterned (tans, oranges and browns – think ’60’s) micro-fibre sofa that I’d LOVE to try this with but I think it would might several coats because of the pattern. Do you think this mixture could be used with a paint sprayer? Could it be thinned?
Yes it will definitely need several coats. I gave my couch a total of three coats. No I don’t think this can be thinned. So happy to hear you loved this idea 😀
I have an office chair that is faux leather – do you think I could use this procedure on it? You don’t need me to tell you this BUT this is an absolutely amazing DIY. I mean how did you even think of this?
Hi Ana, AWWWE thanks girl! I came across this by total accident. Literally trying out different mixtures until I came across the magical fabric softener. I’m so happy you loved this DIY! I’m not sure how it’ll work on faux leather, maybe I’ll do another DIY with faux leather to see how it holds up. Let me know how it goes if you try it. 😀
Ingredient list please?
to make the paint you’ll only need paint and fabric softener.
Beautiful work! You must be artistic, because some of us wouldn’t have thought of the added paint for depth. I’m going to try it on a desk chair (after Danielle mentioned the peeling faux leather) and on some upholstery fabric swatches…just to see what happens 🙂
Thank you so much Jan! I love arts and crafts 😀 😀 Let me know how it goes I’m so happy you loved this idea 😀
How many coats and what kind of clear coat will make it waterproof and still be soft. Have an old couch at our lake cottage I’d like to try it on. Plus we have two dogs. Any advice will be great and thanks in advance.
I would do 3-4 coats of paint and use high gloss clear coat if you want it more waterproof. I’m not sure if it’ll be 100% waterproof but it should be pretty close. It should also do good with dogs although I can’t say for sure because I don’t have dogs. I hope this is somewhat helpful.
How could I do stripes on the couch.
Maybe use some light tape to guide you. Something that won’t peel the base coat of paint off.
I was wondering about your “tablespoon” measuring capacity as you show it an actual table spoon. Can you advise what capacity it is based on an actual measuring tablespoon? My table spoons are obvious different looking in size to yours shown.
Hi Lisa, I’m not sure exactly how to translate the measurement for you. I simply used whatever tablespoon I had. Sorry this wasn’t helpful. 🙁 I should have measured it in oz. I will do that next time.
That is just fabulous and amazing. Does paint ever rub off on clothing or does it behave as desired over time with use?
You did an amazing job. I really do love it and i love your style.
Hi Belinda, I haven’t seen any rub off on clothing and it behaves just like faux leather so far. If you want to be extra sure of the paint or the rustic effect not rubbing off you can clear coat it. That’ll fix the problem 😀 Thank you so much! I’m so delighted to hear you loved it! AWWWE thank you!
Can you use it faux leather that’s scoffed or damaged?
Hi, sorry I haven’t tried it yet! I hope to try it soon! 😀
What an AMAZING idea! Ok this is crazy but this is my challenge. I have an ADORABLE beige convertible VW bug that has red and animal print leopard flowers on it(DIY of course). The top is canvas beige. It is thin in LOTS of areas. I am going to paint it a leopard print to match the flowers. Of course it needs to be pliable to raise and lower. Do you think this paint mixture would work? I would need 2 shades of brown and black to get the realistic “spots”. What do you think? I can’t wait to tackle this!
Thank you so much! HMM this sounds really interesting! I’m just wondering how it would hold up to rain. As far as it being flexible it should do just fine with that however I think you would need to seal it with something that’s 100% waterproof. I’ve seen people mix mineral spirits with silicone to make waterproof clear coat maybe that would work as a sealant I’m just not sure if it would make the paint crack. You would need to do some test runs and see how it holds up before doing the whole thing I think. Let me know how it goes 😀
I would LOVE to see pics of your VW! Sounds interesting as I am a VW fan.
You are brilliant! I get used couches and chairs all the time. I have some fabric chairs I’m going to try this on. Just a month ago tossed my only bought microfiber couch. Thought it was beyond repair. Wished I had seen this. No to figure out how to save this on my phone. Thanks!
AWWE you’re too sweet Evelyn. Thank you! OH no I’m sorry to hear you tossed your couch! You can pin it to pinterest if you have pinterest. Just click on any photo and it should give you the option to pin it. 😀 Or save it to your favorites on your phone. You can then view it like a bookmarked url and it’ll take you straight to this page again. Hope this makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions 😀
I love this idea. My microfiber couch is horrible. I already sent the love seat to the burn pile. Wish I would have seen this earlier but I have nothing to lose by trying this. Just wondering how well this holds up to pets.. I have sneaky dogs that help themselves while I’m at work!
OH NO!! Sorry to hear that Barb! I don’t really have pets that are active on it. I only have a cat and he’s pretty mellow. I think it would do well if you gave it a few coats of clear coat and let it dry for a few weeks before letting them on that way the paint fully bonds with the fabric. 😀 You can try it on similar fabric and leave it on you couch where the dogs sit to see how it wears? 😀
I have an old recliner I’m definitely going to try this on!!! Love the look!!!
Thank you so much Lisa! Let me know how it goes 😀
I would love to hear if/when you try this on “pleather”! We have camper seats that we have been wracking our brains on how to re-cover…
Robin, I plan on trying it as soon as I find a piece of furniture to fit the DIY 😀 Hopefully within the next month or so! Keep checking the blog I will be sharing it soon!
This is so amazing!! I had NO idea you could paint microfiber but now I do!! I plan to use your idea to the “tee” and pain my chaise lounge which is brown microfiber material! I will let you know how it comes out!
Thank you so much for sharing this idea!!!
Hi Cindy!! OOOOH I’m so excite for you! YES GURL LET me know how it goes! I can’t wait to hear from you! Your very welcome! Happy DIYing girl!
Just had to let you know….your painted couch caught my eye because 50 yrs ago I was given a Lawson style couch that was grey & not in the best condition colorwise. SO I bought some dark brown RIT dye much like yours then I just painted it with it. It came out much like yours. Cost….less than $2. I swear. Looked fine, we used it for a couple of yrs.
Hi!! WOW! That’s so cool! I love up-cycled projects like that! It’s so nice to bring new life to things people would of tossed away! I’ve never tried working with rit dye but, that would be fun to try!
Hi! Can you do this with outdoor furniture cushions as well? The furniture is under a patio cover so no sun gets to it now.
It should work however I would definitely clear coat it.
WOW!!!!!! I wish I saw this before I bought a new couch! I’m so excited to try this I may just find a chair or something to do! LOVE, LOVE ❤️
LOL!! You’re so cute! I’m totally tempted to find a chair too and do it again! This was a fun project and I really want to experiment with different fabrics! Let me know if you try it! Thank you so much!
We escaped homelessness by getting a 25 ft , 1999 fifth wheel. It was in super shape, well loved and cared for. The fabric pattern is unappealing. We live in a tiny fixed income. So leather reupholstering or replacing is out. Every payday we do something to upgrade and remodel. We’d like to have a black leather look. Would we still be able to get leather look,? If so, what colors would we use please? Thanks a ton! Our home will look classy and elegant! You’re wonderful! Can’t thank you enough! Can’t wait to hear from you!
Hi WOW I’m so happy for you! Your fifth wheel sounds lovely. I totally understand the tight budget. I think it would work on fabric but, it really depends on if there is a lot of high texture on the fabric (like corduroy for example). If there is it might give your leather a bumpy look. Not sure if that’ll look realistic. Maybe try in a small area that’s not so visible. If you’re going for a black leather look I would just go with the blackest swatch of paint you can get mixed. Or you can also do like a charcoal color, that would look neat too and might match.
Hi! Did the paint transfer to clothes? Especially if someone sat in the futon for a long time?
Hi Gina, I didn’t notice any paint rubbing off on clothes. To be extra cautious you can clear coat it. That’ll definitely keep paint from rubbing off. If feels just like leather when you sit on it.
How do you think this would work on a denim like couch?
I think it would work great on denim 😀 try in in a non visible spot first 😀
I’m going to try this. I tried another recipe before and had to throw the chair out. I had gotten it for $15 so no big loss. I have another chair that was my mkm’s And it’s a wing back recliner. I love it but it doesn’t match my couch. SO maybe this will work. I’ll have to get rid of that chair one way or another. 😃. Thank a lot!!!
Oh man sorry to hear the other recipe didn’t work. YAY! Let me know how it goes!
Does this have to be microfiber in order to get the leather look? I want to do this to a chair of mine but it is not microfiber.
Hi Stephen, it should work on fabric too. 😀
I painted a brown recliner tonight with a light gray and am trying to decide what the second color should be. Black or charcoal. The first coat isn’t as dark as I wanted but it looks great. It a little shiny for me already, will the clear coat make it shinier?
Yes the clear coat will make it shiner. I ran into the same issue that’s why I left mine without clear for now. It’s been holding up pretty well without it however if you have pets I would definitely recommend using the clear coat.
Could you by chance recommend another brand of sealer? I can’t find the Valspar brand at Home Depot, Walmart or Lowe’s! Thank you ☺️
Oh no sorry to hear that. Maybe try the minwax brand. I always love there stuff. I think they carry a water based clear.
You can try either a furniture wax, or you can go with a clear chalk paint wax. I used Annie Sloan’s chalk paint wax to seal my chairs. Already been a year and they still look great!
Did your friends want their futon back? LOL!😄
LOL! I didn’t tell them I painted it.
I noticed a few comments asking if this can be done on faux leather. Happy to report it can. I followed your instructions exactly and it worked well on a faux leather ottoman. I haven’t put the clear protection yet though, I may see if I can find something different just because I prefer a more matte look and I don’t think this fabric sands well. I tried on one spot of dried paint at some point in the process and it didn’t do well. I also think it brushes better on faux leather as I didn’t get the clumpy paint at any point. Thank you so much for this post! I love how it turned out – my husband refuses to believe this is the same ottoman.
OH wow!! That’s awesome!! This is great news!! I’m so happy to hear it worked. WOWWW YAY!! I know what you mean about the matte clear. Not a huge fan of the shiny look as well. I haven’t tried the rustoleum clear protector yet. I know they sell it in Matte for the chalk paint line. Maybe that one isn’t too shiny? HAHAHHA LOL. That’s too funny!
Hello Nauka!
I am curious about you painting your faux leather ottoman. Did you peel the faux leather off and then paint the fabric underneath? Or did you just paint over the faux leather? If you did paint over the faux leather, were you trying to cover some spots that were peeling or were you just changing the color of an ottoman that had the faux leather all in tact?
Girl, you are amazing!!!! I painted a couch years and years ago when this first became a “thing.” It was a failure! the couch was so stickery it felt like you were sitting in a briar patch. My girlfriend did a chair about the same time with the same results.
Since those days, redos have gotten more sophisticated, but I think your idea is simply fantastic and will be popular for a long time!
AWWE you’re so sweet Rose! Thank you so much! OMG that sounds awful I’m sorry to hear they didn’t work. Yes there’s ssso many DIYs out now. Thank you Rose!
I love this idea! I had no idea you could mix fabric softener in paint for this effect! I did a similar thing but with chalk paint. Microfiber is the best fabric if you’re going for the leather look. I also painted a fabric sofa and it doesn’t look leathery at all, but it’s still fairly soft. I love what you did with the darker color to deepen the leather look. I think I’m going to steal this idea and add a darker gray to my already light gray chairs! Nice job! You can also use a furniture wax in matte finish to protect your new sofa!
Hi Karen, thank you so much! Yes this fabric softener trick is amazing! Oh that’s interesting. I’m glad my couch was microfiber than. LOL! OOH that sounds pretty. I love gray and have been wanting gray couches lately except I want them in fabric LOL. I’ve never heard of matte furniture wax. Is it sold at home depot? I’d love to try it. I tried the regular wax an wasn’t a big fan.
I have a microfiber couch also. HATE HATE HATE it. I saw your idea and wanted to do the same colors. When you added the green acrylic to the death by chocolate color. What was the ratio you used?
What shade green acrylic paint did you use to mix with death be chocolate And what were the proportions: how much of each did you mix together?
Hi Judy, I used dark green and as far as I remember I only dripped a bit into the chocolate paint. Sorry I didn’t measure it I just winged it 🙁 !
i wonder if this would be successful with hand painting a pattern of some kind over the third coat and then seal
Yes I think that would work great 😀
Hi Lily, I have a set of recliners I am thinking to try your method on. Can you tell me how you clean it now that’s it’s painted? I am thinking of doing a light color but Adm concerned about trying to keep it clean. I’m hoping the faux leather finish will be ready to clean. Thank you and love your couch!
I clean it with a damp cloth. It cleans great however if you plan on paint it white I would definitely recommend clear coating it so you can easily clean it with a soapy sponge. 🙂
Happy New Year! I just read your article and pictures. It’s beautiful!!! I’m so going to try this. Thank you for supplying this information. Akso, just a small tip. I don’t use a dishwasher either. A lady in my church makes scrubbys! She uses the material from those shower scrubbys and then crochets them into a circle, like a coaster. Then she crochets around them with yarn. Best dish washing scrubs you’ll ever uses. Have a wonderful day.
Thank you Teresa! I’m so happy to hear you found this helpful! Happy new year to you too! WOW those sound really cool!
Two different brands of softener are stated on 2 of your sites. It is Downey or Snuggles softener?
Snuggles sorry not sure why I thought it was one brand 🙁
Hi there and thank you for posting this great DIY!! My only question is: Did you paint just the seams with the darker color or did you go over the whole thing, just adding extra to the seams?
Hi Brenda! Thank you I’m happy to hear you liked it. I focused on the seams mostly and kinda of rubbed around a little bit to blend the rest of the areas.
Happy New Year-2020 ! We have a sofa, love seat and recliner which was sold to us as ” bonded leather”, do you think this ” fix it” will work on them?
Our particular problem is with “fading” in the areas where we sit and on the arms where we rest our arms and on the top of the back of them, where we rest our heads.
Thanks, and we want to wish you and all of your followers a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Blessed New Year !!!
Hi Eve!! Thank you. I hope your having a great new year. If your problem is just the color fading do you plan on changing the color all together or fix the fading spots? Reason I ask is because sometimes you can purchase stain pens or stain from the manufacture to touch up your furniture.
Your couch looks awesome.
Do you think a non latex paint would work ok? I’m allergic to latex and would love to use your idea
Hi Mika,it’s hard to predict what kind of chemical reaction a different paint will have. You can try a few different paint testers and see which does best before painting.
What an incredible transformation! I recently bought some used chairs with orange suede cushions. The suede is dirty and ugly. I would love to try this on them. Has anyone done this to real suede?
Hi Toni, that sounds like a fun project. I haven’t tried it on real suede and I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. Maybe you can try it on a sample piece of suede that’s sold at craft stores first.
I painted that suede and it looks fantastic! Only problem is, the back cushions are a little tacky. How long does it take for them to cure? Should I give them one more coat, using a little more fabric softener? I just eyeballed it’s when I mixed the paint with the snuggle. Maybe I used too little fabric softener??
Hi Toni, I’m so happy to hear this worked for you. Hmm not sure why it’s tacky. Maybe give it some time. around 3-5 days and see how it feels then. I know that the fabric softener seems to make it dry a little longer.
Did u put cushions on the feet so they won’t damage your floor? I sold flooring for years so I immediately thought of that
I wonder how this would do on outdoor furniture cushions? And did you say 3 coats before the leathering effect was added? Thank you for your advice. Excellent tutorial!
Yes I believe it was 3 coats. If you’re planning on storing it outdoors I would use a clear finish that’s glossy because it’s more waterproof as well as something that will give you UV protection so you color doesn’t fade too fast. I’m glad you found this helpful Gina! Thank you:)
I don’t need to do the microfiber of my couch, but rather its faux-leather arms. The “leather” has started to flake off after about 10 yrs., so if I can remake the arms, the whole couch should go for a few more. The substrate material (under the “leather”) is a fabric of some kind, so I’m thinking if I do a good sanding job, then follow your technique for painting, it should restore the leather-look on the arms.
I would love the hear your opinion? You are the Master!
Thanks so much!
I hear this works great on faux leather. I haven’t tried it yet myself though. 🙂 I would probably pull off as much of the flaking leather as possible and do it on top. 🙂
I feel better, now, about taking this on. Thanks so much!
Sure Let me know if you have anymore questions 🙂 I’m glad this was helpful 😀 !
Hi Lily, this is exactly what I need for my couches which are leather but have similar fabric to yours on the sides of them – only discovered this as the leather started to fade and the other bits stayed dark brown. Only issue is that I am in the UK and can’t get those exact products here. Can I ask, the Glidden paint, did you pick that because it’s an acrylic based paint? Wondering what type of paint to look for as an alternative here 🤔
Hi Emma, I’m sorry to hear about your couch. I’m not sure what glidden paint has in it exactly. I picked it because it’s one of my favorite paints to work with. It seems more creamy than other paints I’ve worked with. If you can’t get the exact paint I would buy samples and try it to see if it’ll rubberize.
Awesome! Totally impressed! Great video instructions!!
Thank you so much Julie 🙂
Hi what paint would be the equivalent in the UK please. Does it have an ingredients list?
Hi Anna, OH man they don’t list the ingredients. I have no idea what would be equivalent to this paint. I can try and describe the paint if it helps. It’s a latex interior paint, pretty creamy and also depending on the color ( usually lighter colors) I would sometimes notice a layer of what looks like oil before stirring. Also should mention, ( it’s been years since I’ve been told. this) I think this paint has less primer than other interior paints. That might be why it works with the fabric softener. Maybe that would be the best way to go about it. Find out what primer vs paint content it has and find an interior paint that has similar amounts. Let me know if i can help any other way. 😀 ( PS. The couch is still as good as the day I painted it. No cracks or peeling. ALSO tried it on tweed and hated it. Just in case you’re wondering. Doesn’t work so well on big textured fabric. )
This does work!!!! I painted a very stained and ugly microfiber recliner last week using this method and it is beautiful and comfortable. I still need to add the dark contrast color and clear coat. Next week I’ll paint the other recliner and replace the seat cushion. I’ll have basically new furniture for $75 and probably 6-8 hours of labor. Thank you so much for this article.
YAY!! It’s ssso awesome to hear this worked for you! Your recliner sound lovely. I’m so happy to hear this DIY was helpful! Thank you for sharing Sara 😀
THANK YOU!! I wonder if this technique would work on a recliner that has had the bonded leather peel off. There is a few little pieces still attached, but the rest is the backing fabric. (Bonded leather is paper thin leather affixed to fabric. A lot of furniture uses this technique)
Hi Lynn, I’ve heard folks say it works although I haven’t tried it myself. Maybe try it on an area that’s less visible. Maybe the bottom of the recliner ??
do you think this would work on an old leather couch?
I haven’t tried it on leather although I’ve heard folks have tried it with good results. Maybe try it in a less visible area first. ( bottom )
How long did you wait for the paint to dry between coats? I’m going to try this on a microsuede armchair and ottoman.
As far as I can remember about 24 hours between coats.
I love it, great job.
Thank you Cynthia 🙂
No I didn’t added softener in there.
I hotglued on some rubber material ( leather would work too) I also think amazon sells something for this. .
Thaaank you soo much.
I’m so doing this. I carted a loveseat from the dumpster [I’m a diver and proud of it] that is probably like yours. It’s kind of a imitation leatherish material in a light cream, but before I start I want another piece so that I can do them at the same time. I’m going to go back and look at the vid and read all here so I’m prepared. I’m so excited…I’d been looking for an article like this ever since I got the loveseat. I’m actually thinking about maybe a teal with forest green detailing. YIKES, huh?
That sounds like such a fun project. I love teal! one of my favorite colors!
I’m one of those ppl that hate “dumb” questions, but, this really seems like a dumb question 😕… My sectional was a nice shade of red. The sun has done some damage, as well as the 3 big dogs leaving drool stains all over 😖. I’d love to return it to a glorious red again… do u think the paint will cover up the drool stains, or should I try to clean them up first? BTW, ur futon looks MAAAAAVALOUS DAHLING! 🤗😍🤩 (read that in the voice of Edna from The Incredibles LOL 😂)
Thank you so much Toni. LOL love Edna! MY fav Character! I know microfiber tends to get a layer of shine if it’s too dirty. If there a shine on the couch from the dirt I would probably was it first because I don’t think the paint will stick on too well. That is if you have microfiber. Not really sure with other fabrics as I haven’t tried it on that.
Thank you so much for taking the time to give us such a comprehensive tutorial on how to do this. I love what you’ve done and all the hints etc. I’m definitely going to try this.
I’m so happy to hear you loved it! Thank you
Nice job! Anxious to try. I want to use this on a canvas privacy screen. Is the paint oil based or latex?
it’s latex paint. 🙂 I’ve never tried it on canvas. Wonder if it would stay soft
You did an absolutely wonderful job!!! It really looks like leather. I think the legs you made really gave this piece a new look. I have a futon I was getting ready to trash but, guess what? I’m gonna try my first painting project. Thank you for the precious instructions and the video. I look forward to seeing more of your creations in the future. I’m
You go girl! I think it’ll be perfect! Happy to hear this DIY was helpful for you.
OH NO! I don’t think I have it sorry.
I haven’t heard off anything except maybe chalk paint that’s watered down and sanding in between layers. Not sure it would be soft though. It’s hard to work with texture.
This sounds like an interesting and innovative way to give new life to your microfiber couch while maintaining its comfort and convenience. I’m curious to see the results!
What an incredible job! And even more impressive is your tutorial and your instructions. Well done!
Thank you so much Dawn