PURDY plants !!
Does anyone else have this plant fever !!!? I have been obsessed with plants lately. Plant decor gives such an effortless and relaxing vibe to any room. Although I’ll be honest so far I have about only a 30% survival with all my plants. Not exactly a green thumb!! I’m thinking I probably over-water them but who knows maybe it’s something else I’ll have to do some research and match it up with the symptoms my plants are having.
Unfortunately I’m pretty sure I know what happened to this plant (photo below)… 🙁 Our little furry cuddle Bug took a few to many pisses in this pot and the plant got root rot. Never knew cats did that until I got one. lol So in my effort to save It I dug it up and tried replanting it into a new pot. Sad thing is when I bought it it was huge and now it seems like more and more leaves are dying and I’m loosing the plant. Finger crossed hope this helps. After re-potting it I decided to cheer it up with some fresh white paint. Pretty pot = pretty plant EHH?! 😀
With Love dedicated to all you wonderful and beautiful Mothers out there. Thank the Lord for our awesome moms. I know that any Mother would love a plant any time or day. Make it mean that much more this year. Create her a sentimental gift that will last forever not just materialistically but whole-heartedly. Like the wise saying says.. ” it’s the thought that counts”. !! (gift her with her favorite plant in a sentimental pot..PS. don’t forget to sign the bottom with a special note and your autograph.) 😀 TAG ME ON INSTAGRAM… Can’t wait to see those purdy plants 😀
This poor baby looks so sad. I hope it survives. 🙁
What you’ll need to get those even half circles
This DIY is pretty self explanatory. It’s more of an Idea rather then a DIY but for those of you wondering I figured I’d pop in a quick tutorial. 😀
You’ll need
smallish Paint brush
white paint (any kind will work… I couldn’t find my acryclic craft paint so I used Olegs white paint from his kids paint set)
measuring tape
I started off by marking every two inches with chalk and then had to change it to 1 and 3/4 inches because my last half circle measured 1′ which would be way to noticeable I wanted them as even as possible. Oh yeh for a second there.. I thought I could hide it in the back but then I realized that was the pretty side of my plant. 😀 AHH So go ahead and mess with your chalk adding dots then you’ll connect the dots. 😀 As easy as that.
Once I had my dots in place I connected the dots by drawing half circles. You can make a stencil out of card stock for this but it seemed easy enough to freehand.
Off I went. Creating my curly little beauties. 😀
I did end up giving them a second coat. It was a bit to sheer with one coat. Wasn’t that easy?
‘Yep it’s officially my favorite pot…That is until I make another one to add to my collection 😀
Purdy plant overload. 😀 That pretty Persian red rug was a special surprise from my hubby. He knows I love all things Vintage and even when garage saleing he thinks of me.. What a Sweetheart.. (thanks my love)
Here’s a pretty pin to make your board more Plantiful. 😀
Cute pot! I love anything with scallops. Visiting from Welcome Home Wednesday party.
Awe thank you Victoria 😀