Summer Fashion Struggles

Even though I absolutely love summer there is a downside to it. Fashion changes so drastically from season to season it’s hard to keep up at times. My favorite time to shop for clothing is during the spring and fall seasons.  I love fall because they bring out all those woodsy colors in fashion like mustard, plum, and hunters green. Spring is my favorite because while everything is pastel and floral it still has a good amount of coverage. That said… summer is probably the worst for me. Or maybe I’m the only one that struggles with enough coverage. Being a mom of one I don’t exactly feel like wearing a crop top to show off my beautiful stretch marks. 😀 So moving onto the subject of skirts. There is a good selection of skirts that hit around the knee but, here’s the problem!!… None of them look like young women’s clothing. So when I go into a store like forever21 or Francesca’s I happen to love the shorter skirts or in other words “mini” skirts which aren’t exactly church appropriate.

Make it work

If you’ve watched the show Fashion Runway before I’m sure you’ve heard Tim Gun say the phrase “make it work” once or twice. ;D  When it comes to short skirts that I absolutely am undoubtedly in love with and can NOT pass up.. 😀 I make it work .  So to make these short skirts work I’ve created a versatile vintage lace slip extender that slips under any skirt to give it more length. Yes it works with dresses too. 😀 How awesome is that?!!

What You’ll Need

Vintage slip ( I made a run to Goodwill and purchased an old slip for $4)

Vintage Lace (I purchased all my lace at Joanns Craft Store)


Sewing machine

You’ll need the lace to go around at least three times but, that also depends on how much lace you want. You can always use less.  I purchased a full slip from Goodwill.  Cut the top off and added a waistband.

Slip Extender

I cut the full slip at the waist. Make sure you measure from the bottom and mark every couple inches to make sure you cute evenly.

skirt extender

Then I pinned in 1.5 inches all around the waist and gave it a stitch.  You could do less if your elastic is thinner.

Slip extender

I pinned the end of the elastic with a safety pin.

slip extender

And pulled it through.

slip extender

Don’t forget to secure it with a few straight stitches.

Slip extender

These were all my lace option I came up with.

slip extender

I pinned the lace I picked into place before stitching it through. Then one by one I stitched them on.

slip extender

And that’s it. 😀

slip extender


I purchased this pastel blue skirt from Francesca’s a few years ago but I wasn’t able to wear it because it was bit short.  I love how this skirt extender turned out. It adds pzzaz and the length I need.

slip extender

slip extender

slip extender

skirt extender

skirt extender

skirt extender

Here’s a cute pinable for you to pin to your favorite board. 😀 Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram if you make one of these.

DIY slip Extender