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What You'll Need

– Dual sander and sand paper – White spray paint – Primer – Big plastic Dollar store Eggs – Hotglue – Permanent marker – hotknife

Step 1

To begin use a marker to draw a zigzag line across the top half of your egg. Then use your hot knife to the shape out. Following that use your hotglue to glue the inside of your egg opening. I glued all the way around. By the way. I love my ryobi glue gun.  It glues so much stronger the the cheap glue guns.

Step 2

For the sanding part it gets a bit tricky. So the reason I sanded them in the first place is because I wanted to eliminate the line where the egg opens up.  First I tried sanding by hand with just sand paper and that kind of took forever. I like to get things done quick!! HAHA If you don’t have a dual sander you can always do it by hand.

Step 3

Even after sanding the whole egg down and make the cease line blend in as much as I could it was still visible. So I used this primer I had around before applying the paint.  It helped a little. You can skip this step if you don’t really care about the line being a bit visible.

Step 4

Following that I apply two coats of this rustoleum spray paint. Although this stuff says it adheres well to plastic I found that easily come off on the spots I didn’t sand on the eggs. So make sure and sand the whole egg.

Step 5

And that’s it. For the greens I used my good ol GRASS from our lovely front yard..

#1 SIMPLE EASTER TERRARIUM CENTERPIECE I got this wood bowl at Pottery Barn and added a layer of moss that I purchased at the dollar store. Following that I added some succulents I had around and some mini gold eggs.

#2 POP OF COLOR CENTERPIECE So the reason I came up with 3 ways to display these is because I had a hard time making up my mind on one.  The plan was to pick one and go with it but, I ended up loving them all!! 😀 😀 For this centerpiece I simply added some ombre pink eggs inside the bowel to add more contrast and make it a bit more festive.

It definitely looks more Easter like then the one above. To me for some reason the first one (above: simple Easter terrarium) came off as more of a coffee table centerpiece rather then one for a dinning table. What do you think?  I think ombre pink eggs helped a bunch.

This mini gold eggs are ssso cute! They match everything. I’m so glad I took the time out to make them!

#3 PASTEL BOWL I think out of the three this one is my favorite! If definitely has that Easter vibe and the color combo couldn’t have been better!!

Yes I had to make another run to the dollar store to buy these jelly beans but, it was totally worth it. I ended up buying 6 packs and only used 4.

As you can see the line on the eggs is slightly visible but for a $1 I’m totally fine with it! HAHA plus it looks so cute I don’t ‘mind. 😀

That’s it for this centerpiece. I hope this will give you some ideas to create your own whimsical Easter terrarium inspired centerpiece. WOW that’s was a mouthfull! HAHA Enjoy! HAPPY EASTER! I’ll see you next time!

Tilted Brush Stroke

